Below you can find our list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: After purchasing, where can I find my products?

A: Once you purchase a product on our website, you immediately get redirected to the order completion page. It will contain your products on the right hand side of your screen. If you are not redirected, you can always check your email, as we send all details to there as well.

Q: Can I get banned for using these products?

A: The simple answer is yes, you can. While getting banned is a possibility, we take precautions with all of our tools to prevent this from happening. As long as our products are not abused, you should not be banned as they are undetected.

Q: Why does it say that the download is a virus?

A: Most "cheats" are flagged with false-positive virus alerts due to the kind of access they need to your system. We do not put any kind of rat, trojan, or virus in any of our products. Any other questions you may have can be answered in the other pages on this site, or in the Discord.

Last updated